Sunday, August 3, 2014

Maryandra had to say good bye to Sister Evans (the one in the blue dress), and hello to Sister Tachibana, of whom we have no photo yet!  She is thrilled to stay in Sagamihara, and loves the members and investigators there!  Some talented members drew these fun mini we's of the missionaries after conversation class this week, and everyone got a kick out of them!!!  Here are some excerpts from Maryandra's e-mails this week!
We did a lot of visiting, today,
and went to that cute little pink clinic for the last time! I tried
not to focus on it of course, but the show on the big screen there was
about the different kinds of ancient Catholic Churches, and I noticed
that one of them is built exactly like he kingdom in Tangled! It was
way cool! Just slightly less colorful, because it's so old. Anyway,
random facts aside, we are now back safely at the apartment so that
Evans Shimai can do her packing:( Sad day. But oh well. Anyway, hope 
y'all are having a great time over there! Love ya! 
Sorry, I didn't get a chance to tell you more about yesterday, but we
had a goodbye party at eikaiwa for all those who were leaving, and we
all got a cool surprise when these nice artistic sisters turned the white
board around, and we saw that they had drawn all of our faces on the
board, so we took pictures with our "mini we's" and I will send them
to you. After that, we returned to the apartment, and we got packing
done and stuff.
Well at least Tachibana's a hard worker. We already have two or
three appointments with members set up because of her. I'll admit, I
don't like her cleansing of the area books and such, but it's just
gonna take some adjusting, I think. But anyway, the rest of the day was
better. I think the only thing that caught me by surprise was that a
nihonjin(Japanese person) has the capacity to be more sarcastic than an American. I
have never met anyone so sarcastic. 
But oh well. Oh, and I forgot to tell you this, but tachibana shimai's
dad served in the Fukuoka mission, and her mom served in the Sapporo
mission! What an interesting switch up, huh? I doubt that you or dad
ever met her parents, but if you did that's cool. Inoue Shimai and
tachibana choro? Ring a bell at all? Probably not, but still a cool
coincidence, huh?
And Maryandra closed her letter still trying to get used to her new companion!

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