Maryandra and Sister Smith are still getting along splendidly!
In fact, they all tended to have too much fun with their new iPads this past week!
Way too much fun!
Maryandra did happen to have some good experiences as well! In her own words:
Wednesday, we had the two mission
conference in kochi mojo with Elder Russell M. Nelson. It was pretty good. I got to shake his and Elder Evans' hand, too, which was
pretty cool. I really like elder Nelson. He's so nice and
grandfatherly looking.
We were told that yes, we are for sure getting new iPads. Or, now that
it's realtime, we did. Yes, that's right. I'm typing this note to you
all on a brand new, freshly setup, 32GB iPad mini. I can't really do
anything with it, though. And, since we can't use Facebook for dendo
anymore, I feel like it just lightens the load of having to carry
scriptures and stuff around everywhere. But it's still cool. I'm sure
I'll find a good way to use it in missionary work someday, with what
little time I have left. Sigh. Well, it's still cool.
You guys, Satan can get ahold of anyone, even you! Don't thing you're
immune to it! It's dangerous! You need to exercise your faith in the
Lord an apply the atonement in order to keep yourself in a condition
to fight back against Satan.
So, basically, immediate perfection is impossible, and should never be
the expectation. Such will only bring misery and self punishment. It's
the dedication to keep gradually improving in which we find true
happiness. I urge every one of you to apply this in your lives. It
will bring you relief and peace in even the worst times of your life
here on earth. It's a promise I've discovered to be true many times
for me. Also, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, or for a long
time, I want you to watch "Mountains to Climb." It gives some great
examples of scenarios and what to do to exercise faith.
Well, I should go for now. I hope to write some more before Monday.
Sorry this week has been so weird as far as emails go!...
We think it was weird as far as photos went!!! Here are a few more silly ones!
Maryandra and Sister Horrocks!